The reality that our vacation of a lifetime is starting to set in. No more ports, no more excursions. Angie misses her bed. The rest of us are ready to set up permanent residence on board. Our breakneck pace during the trip hasn’t allowed for much time to hang at the pools. Plus, Maddie got water in her ear on the last day at sea, and that nearly kept her (and one of us adults) from going to Rome. So, today we arose early and hit the hot tub near the Goofy pool at mid-deck. We’ve had spectacular, sunny weather everyday. But it’s a little cloudy this morning. So, we have the run of the place with hardly anyone around. Meg decides to sleep in, but is up and gone with friends for a last day of fun on board. Maddie and myself head to the Q&A session with the performing cast at 11am, followed by a behind-the-scenes tour. Maddie enjoys going on stage and seeing the stage lift below. Here’s Currilla deVille’s car, she said. Angie meets up with us and we hit the boat’s stores for some souvenir shopping. We also have some things to attend to … like settling our onboard account, wrapping up pictures, trading in Euros for cash, etc. At 3pm Angie heads out to the last bingo session. Unlike other cruise ships, DCL doesn’t have an onboard casino. So bingo is hot, and today’s final session features a jackpot of nearly $12,000. Like so many others, Angie gets close, but a family of England takes home the prize. Well, that should about cover their trip. I forego the bingo and head up to the top deck to catch up on my journal (but I won’t finish until after the trip). Today the sea swells are up to nine feet and everyone can feel it. At one we crash into one wave, sending sea spray nine stories above. We’re okay, as I liken it to a busy day aboard a small runabout on Lake Texoma. Back at the cabin Angie is wrapping up packing. Aside from what we’ll wear tonight and tomorrow, all bags have to be outside of the cabin by 8pm. Everything barely fits, but we’re glad we brought two extra duffel bags to bring home our purchased loot.

We skip the last show, Remember the Magic, but make dinner in Animator’s Palate. There is a salute to our servers and the more than 50 countries they represent. Everyone gets in on the action.

After dinner, we head back to the cabin. The girls call it an early night as we have to be off the ship and to the airport at 7:15am. I head up to the Quiet Cove for final visit with many of our friends from the Dis Board. A couple no one knows is getting way too amorous on a nearby lounge chair. Apparently, this is a first and the ship’s security doesn’t know quite what to do. I say my goodbyes to these fine folks that I have come to know through the Internet and take a final stroll on Deck 4 to survey the night sea. I’m sure going to miss the Med.
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